Saturday, March 30, 2013

April Fools!! :)

You thought I was going to forget didn't you?  No way man!  There may only be 2 days left of March, but here it is as promised: April Fools Day Pranks For the OFFICE! None of these trusted classics will cost you any money, of course.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

The Ol' mouse trick:

Cover the mouse sensor with a small piece of paper and tape, or the sticky portion of a post it note, it also helps if you write "April Fools" on the paper.  Your unsuspecting co worker will think the mouse is broken or out of batteries until they turn it over to see your note.

Tight Pants: this works great on pregnant co workers.  Bring a easy to rip piece of fabric with you to work and as your associate bends over, tear the fabric! If you do this correctly theres a good chance they will think their pants ripped.


Take a beloved item from the victims desk and snap a photo of it.  Leave the photo on their desk with a "ransom" note (this may also be an easy way to get some free coffee monday).


Glue a colleagues pen caps onto the opposite side of the pen (so that they can still use the pen).  They wont be able to put the cap back on correctly this may drive them nuts.

The Interior Designer:

Method #1-Decorate a co workers keyboard with tiny stickers.
Method#2-Decorate your colleagues desk with Justin Bieber or their rival sports team paraphernalia.

Copy That:
Make some copies of a paperclip then put them into the paper tray of the copier.  People will go nuts trying to find a paperclip stuck to the copier.

Rubber Ducky:
Find a small rubber ducky and sanitize it thoroughly.  Carefully remove the jug from the office cooler and squeeze the small duck inside.  Replace the jug and enjoy!

The OTHER door:
This trick works great in a building that has only two entrances.  Print two signs that say "Please use other door" and post them on each door with arrows pointing towards opposite door.

Remember to use these with caution, I don't want anyone getting fired on Monday!
Happy Pranking!

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